welcome to doghouse.org

I am Doghouse, You can call me dog or house or doghouse.

I like to make private projects that never really go anywhere outside from my circle of followers that I have at the time you 're reading thisI like to code and draw, I mostly do basic coding as the coding I learn are from my own discoveries and explorations of the coding language I 'm currently using rather than actually taking classes

I am 21! My current interests are: Lethal Company, AVM/AVA, CODMW2

My only boundaries are: don 't sexualize me or belittle me

to-do list

I make NSFW content

>>What kind of NSFW content do you make?
>Any kind of NSFW content really, though I do have my limits and boundaries as I won 't draw any minor characters sexually or draw lolishota, incest, fart, vore or scat, ....

>>Are there any NSFW content that you draw/like that may be triggering to some people?
>Yes, I sometime draw DDDNE content consisting of:
I mostly draw/read DDDNE content as a coping mechanism, why? We don 't need to delve into that since it 's personal, but I just want to throw that there since the last time I drew non-con people accused me of actually doing it to people irl and I 'm not taking any risks because some of y 'all can be coo coo crazy!!!!

>>What program do you use?
>Mobile medibang paint, nothing else

>>What brush do you use?

>>Do you take requests?
>No, unless you are someone close. I take comms only and draw whatever I feel like at the moment and if you 're lucky, I may or may not draw something based off your ideas

>He/him or they/them, I 'm fine with anything but she/her


>>Hey I recognise you from [FANDOM]
>No you don 't, sorry. I prefer no longer being associated with the fandoms I 've already left

ⓘ I prefer staying away from topics that I don 't like, that being any kind of political/proship/shipping debate or arguments so respectfully please don 't drag me into them. My only stance is that I don 't like the sexualization of any minor characters irl or fictional and I don 't like incest or beastiality, that 's it